Diaconate Chairman
October 2013
It’s been a long process, but we are finally ready to adopt the new Bylaws for Santa Clara First Baptist Church. A special meeting of our congregation to vote on the Bylaws will be held in the Sanctuary immediately following the worship service on Sunday, October 13th. The Bylaws will allow SCFBC to have a more modern and streamlined leadership and governance system.
I want to thank each of you who came to one or more of the focus groups in August. As a result of the concerns expressed at those meetings, several changes were made by the Board of Deacons to the proposed Bylaws. You can view the final version on the SCFBC website, or pick up a copy at the Information Table in the Lobby or in the church office.
Since changes were made to the original document, two more focus groups will be held to explain the Bylaws and answer any questions people may have. These sessions will be held on Saturday, October 5th at 10:00am and on Sunday, October 6th at 9:00am. Both meetings will be held in the Parlor next to the Sanctuary Lobby.
If you need more information, please contact Pastor Rich or me. I want to especially thank everyone who helped in the writing of these new Bylaws and gave input for the final document.