Pastor Rich
Transitioning Pastor
April 2014

Easter is the best day of the year for all who consider themselves disciples of Jesus.  It is our day of victory, the day when God vindicated the identity and ministry of His Son by raising Him from the dead.  It is the day when the forces of evil were shown to be defeated.  It is the day that proclaims our release from our captivity to sin.  It is the day that promises the hope of eternal life.

As we plan for this year's Easter celebration our staff is concentrating on presenting these truths in a powerful and life-changing way.  Our goal is to offer the message of hope to a despairing world.

Who do you know who needs to hear this message?  What friends, neighbors, and relatives do you know who need to find God?  Wouldn't it be wonderful to see our worship center filled with people who could respond to this good news?

I'm asking our SCFBC family to do the following to see this possibility come to reality:

  • Pray for 300 people to attend our service on Easter morning.
  • Pray for the names of people God wants you to invite to come with you on this special day.
  • Make those personal invitations and bring as many as you can.
  • Pray for God's Holy Spirit to work mightily on Easter morning resulting in decisions for Christ.

The old hymn proclaims "we've a story to tell to the nations..."  May we all be a part of telling that story on April 20th.