July 2014
Book Nook and Library Corner
You asked us—What is the difference between the Library and the Book Nook?
The complete Library is located in Rooms 31/32 with nearly 5000 books, DVDs and CDs. The Book Nook in the Sanctuary Lobby provides you easy access to resources each Sunday. Selected materials are chosen and placed there depending on the time of year/current holidays and the topic of Pastor’s current sermon series. You may check out materials in either or both locations. The Library is accessible during office hours, Monday through Friday from 10:00am to 3:00pm.
Coming Soon...Yes, there's an app for that! Instructions on how to use a “smart phone app” to check for materials in the SCFBC Library will soon be available.
Thank you for your valuable comments about your impressions about the Library and Book Nook. We continue to request input so more people can express their comments. Tell us what you think; we would like to know so we can continue to make improvements. Email Jenny Gregg at jgregg@scfbc.org or Jerri Cooper Jerri@scfbc.org or write your comments on the back of a Connections Card on any Sunday and let us know how the library is doing.
- Have you been using the resources and are they helping you and your family?
- What can we do to better assist you?
- What are titles of resources you are looking for?
- What do you like best or find most helpful - Books, CDs, DVDs, Book Nook?
Library Team Life Group
Please consider joining the on-going Library Team Life Group that meets each Friday at 9:00am for work sessions to keep the Library organized and up to date. You can sign up for the Life Group on-line at www.scfbc.org or just join us on Friday mornings. We share of our lives as we do various tasks in the library to keep the shelves freshly organized.
Cut-N-Paste Ministry - Kards4Soldiers![](/images/articles/2014-07/img-60891.jpg)
Thank you for giving used cards, calendars, stickers, card stock, encouragement and elbow grease to put cards together. On June 21st we made 1,100 cards from the materials. God really does provide for this ministry through your generous donations.