July 2014
Special Rummage Sale
Friday, July 11 and Saturday, July 12
The family of Virginia Gehman has donated everything that remains in her house to SCFBC for a rummage sale. Because there is not enough room to store everything until our Fall sale, it was decided to have a special sale event in July and use the proceeds to start the fund for our new children’s playground and picnic area.
If you have any items to donate, please bring them to
the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, July 6th after morning worship. You may also
bring items on Wednesday or Thursday, July 9th and 10th, from 10:00am to 6:00pm while the donations are being set up.
As usual, volunteers are needed during the set up days and
also during the sale. Contact Maxine
Darknell (408) 396-8228 or Doris Smith
(408) 241-5299 if you can help.