Pastoral Search Committee Chairman
August 2014
On July 5th the Pastoral Search Committee updated the congregation on the progress we have made in the search process. In the worship service that day we also previewed a draft cut of the video that will be shared with prospective candidates, and we solicited feedback on that as well as the process itself. We really appreciate the feedback we received and have modified our approach and the video. THANK YOU!
Our next step will be to complete the three profiles and have them reviewed by our consultant, Dr. Bill Hoyt. We will be meeting with him this month to go over his comments on the profiles and video before beginning the process of receiving and vetting candidates. We continue to covet your prayers throughout this process and thank you for your support. As always, if you have any questions or comments about where the process is, do not hesitate to contact us. You may be the voice of God that we need to hear!
The Pastoral Search Committee
Jerri Cooper, Gary Dong, Jonathan Fung,
Greg Robbins, Lisa Robinson, Larry Trigg, Andrew Wong