August 2014
After long-time SCFBC member Virginia Gehman passed away, her family indicated they would like to donate the items left in her home to our church for a sale with the proceeds to be used however needed. A rummage sale was held in July and the proceeds used to start a fund for the remodel of our children’s playground and barbecue area with a small portion given for the American Baptist Women’s mission projects. (The women of the ABW are very helpful in working at the rummage sales and use the funds to help support their various mission outreach ministries.) John Pusateri, Jerry and Sharon Cintas and Lloyd and Maxine Darknell spent 1½ days getting the items loaded into two trailers, three vans, two SUVs, two station wagons and one pickup truck.
About two thirds of the sale “merchandise” came from Virginia's home. Thank you to those who were able to get their donations together on such short notice and especially to the Impact Life Group who helped set up tables and unpack the donations already received before the official set up began. Also, thanks to all who helped on the set up days and/or the days of the sale. A special thanks to those who helped with the closing. It is always a big job to pack up unsold items to donate to the Salvation Army, put away the tables, vacuum, and get the Fellowship Hall in order for Sunday as well as take down the 40 signs used to direct people to the rummage sale.
Total proceeds of this sale were $4,264.00. The Playground/Barbecue Courtyard Area received $4050.00 and
the American Baptist Women was given $214.00.
Start saving items for our next rummage sale in October to benefit SCFBC's