Susi Reaves
Future Interim Director of Children's Ministry
December 2014

With Pastor Jenny and Jon resigning from their work with our children effective the end of this year, the search for a new Director of Children's Ministry is underway, but that process will take some time.

After much prayerful consideration I have agreed to answer God's call to be the Director of Children's Ministry during this interim time. Although I will not officially begin my service until January 1st, I have already been preparing for the transition our children's ministry will be experiencing. Many aspects of SPEEDway on Sunday mornings will remain the same; Pastor Jenny has already handed over her wonderful Kids Worship curriculum that she has developed over the past few years and very little will change during the worship time for our kids in Grades K-5. Since she has not been able to oversee the ministry as much as she might have liked because of her health issues the past couple of years, there will also be some changes I would like to share with you.

The first is developing a sustainable team-based ministry. There are many ways for our church family to serve in children’s ministry, some of which have nothing to do with being with kids. There are administrative responsibilities, decorating rooms for lessons series, setting up games for Sunday mornings, creating bulletin boards, purchasing snack supplies, keeping our supply rooms organized. And of course, there is plenty of room for loving caregiver-teachers for our babies, toddlers and preschoolers. For our elementary kids there are plenty of service opportunities for caring small group leaders, vibrant presenter-teachers, active recreation leaders, creative craft leaders and music/worship leaders. If you are high school age or older and would like more information about serving our SPEEDway kids on a rotation basis, call the church office at
408-241-7635 or email me at

I am considering options for a life group especially for our kids in 2 nd-5th grade. This discipleship life group will begin February 1, 2015 during the 9:00 hour before our kids worship. There will be fun activities as the older elementary kids open their Bibles and learn more of what it means to follow Jesus every day.

There is much I would like to share with SPEEDway parents and others who are interested in Children’s Ministry at SCFBC. So mark your calendar for 9:15am on Sunday, December 7th in the Sanctuary. At that time I will be presenting my vision, ideas and philosophy of children's ministry and hopefully will be available to address your questions and concerns for the months ahead.

I have been overseeing the SPEEDway registration team for several years and now covet your prayer support as I begin a larger ministry with our kids and their families through SPEEDway and in our community.