Youth Staff
November 2015

We held our annual Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser on October 24th when we transformed the Fellowship Hall into Baptista Ristorante, where we entertained our guests with great food and singing! As a result of your generous tipping, combined with ticket sales, we were able to raise over $1200, which translates to $75 off of each of our servers' fees for Winter Camp!

In addition to the Spaghetti Dinner, we went to Del'Osso Farms one Saturday, enjoying the corn maze, ropes course and other fun activities.

The boys lost in the maze

Sadiye on the ropes course

Elianna has the "blues"

Early in the month some of the youth mentors attended the annual National Youth Workers Convention where we were again encouraged and challenged to improve our ministry.

Mentors at San Diego NYWC

On Wednesdays we have returned to our E100 series and have recently talked about Jesus' "trial" and the 10 plagues that the Egyptians endured because of Pharoah's hardened heart.

Youth Mentors: Mark, Kirsten,Jerry, Andrew, Mary, Matt S, Kim, Danijela and Matt M.

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