Jerri Cooper
June 2016

Amazing what happens in a month!

The new short shelves are in and children’s books are back in the library with the children’s DVDs (green label) above them. We are in the process of developing a Media section with entertainment family friendly Christian movies (white labels), documentary and history DVDs (yellow label), audio CD books and Bible studies (pink label). They aren’t in their exact location yet, but they are finally back in the library. And yes, we are working on signage needs. So much to do, so little time…

Construction continues with the cabinets, painting, and waiting for another shipment to complete the bookshelf in the corner, and completing the reading room. Then we will rotate some of the books, put the media section together and continue looking for great books and movies to add to the collection, including the newest materials from the Global Leadership Summit in August. Thank you for supporting the Library outreach through your prayers and offerings. The reading room welcomes the Tuesday night book discussion Life Group.

The Book Nook in the Lobby has new materials to interest men in honor of Father’s Day and add to your summer reading enjoyment.. Hope you enjoy the selections.

LibraryWorld Search for iPhone: I hope you are having success in using the on-line SCFBC Library look-up or by using the LibraryWorld Search for iPhone app. You can access the SCFBC Library database from the website. Click on the Library block, then on the next screen click on the “Search Here” block. If you know the name of the book or it’s author you can enter it into the blue rimmed box and click on the blue box to see if it is available in the SCFBC Library.