Senior Pastor
June 2016
I couldn't wait to tell you that I was proud to be your pastor. This month during our "Intro to SCFBC" class, one of the visitors who is looking for a church asked,"Why is this church different. What is your secret?" That question made me so proud of our church members. Here's the background of the question.
The visitor works for one of the BIG tech companies in Silicon Valley and moved here from Europe. He started the questions with a statement (paraphrased).
My life in Europe was very different. In Silicon Valley you have to perform. It is all about competition and getting results. Companies work hard for their own profits and gains. I have been to many churches and most of the churches work with the same principle: They exist for their own benefits and gains. They think about themselves first, it's all about them. Why is this church different? What is your secret?
Let me tell you, this question made me feel six feet tall and my heart swelled. I was so proud to be the pastor of this church. This question was a validation to your selfless service, welcoming people of all nations and serving them with Godly love.
I responded, "Here at SCFBC we strive to put people first. We are here to serve people and not programs." We strive to be GREAT at:
- Preaching the GOSPEL
- Taking care of the POOR and DOWN and OUT
- Making significant GLOCAL impact. From now on when you read or hear the word "GLOCAL" it means Local and Global (One word).
So if anyone asks about our BRAND, the above three statements are our TRIUNE BRAND(s) (3 Brands). These are our internal and external brands. When we continue to live out our brands faithfully, people will see that we are different.
We strive to make a difference in Silicon Valley by presenting the Greatest Good News of Jesus Christ to people of all nations
We strive to make a difference in Silicon Valley by taking care of the poor and down and out
We strive to make a difference by making a GLOCAL impact starting in Silicon Valley.
Let us be different and make a difference in Santa Clara Valley.