Jerri Cooper
August 2016

Library Corner

Thank you Jenny Gregg! As Pastor Valui announced last Sunday, the Gregg’s are headed to New Mexico. I hope you got a chance to say good-bye to Bill, Jenny and Laura. We also want to thank Jenny for her contributions to the SCFBC Library. Because she is a Librarian, she is the one who connected us to the Library World program (and the iPhone app) where all the SCFBC materials are cataloged. What you may not know, however, is that she is the one who organized us and patiently trained the Library Team on how to input and process the books, DVDs, CDs and audio materials in the library. Jenny will be missed and we thank her for all she has contributed to the success of the SCFBC Library.

Life Groups Materials: If you are thinking of leading a Life Group, but haven’t quite decided on your subject, check with Margareth Valui at or call her at 408-241-7635. There is a selection of various books you can choose from in her office that are available for Life Groups studies.

Availability of Books, DVDs, CDs, Audio Books, etc.: The Book Nook is still at the end of the Lobby Information Counter for you to check out materials on Sundays. After church and during the Sunday Grill we will have the doors open to the new Library in Rooms 19 and 20, and you can check out materials from there. Please return materials to either location when you and your family are done using them so others can also enjoy them.

LibraryWorld Search for iPhone: I hope you are having success using the on-line SCFBC Library "Search here!" feature and/or are using the LibraryWorld Search for iPhone app. You can access the SCFBC Library database from the website. First, under RESOURCES click on the Church Library heading; then, on the next screen, click on the “Search here!” box [it has a magnifying glass and an image of the earth]. If you know the name of the book or its author, you can enter it in the grey-rimmed box at the top of the page, and then click on the blue box [with another magnifying glass image] to see if what you're looking for is available in the SCFBC Library.