October 2016
Trunk or Treat Halloween Event
Monday, October 31st, 6:00-8:00pm
SCFBC Parking Lot
FREE Family Event!
Trunk or Treat is Santa Clara First Baptist’s big neighborhood outreach of the Fall. On Monday, October 31st, the Fellowship Hall parking lot will be filled with decorated cars for kids to enjoy Halloween in a safe and sane environment. The Roadkill Café will be open to serve food to the hungry kids and parents who have looked forward to this special event the entire day. So, how can you participate?
Got a smile to share and a warm welcome to extend to our guests "Trick or Treaters" as they arrive? Then you are needed at the Welcome Tent.
Like to see hungry tummies get filled with something more nutritious than candy? Come to prepare and serve hot dogs, nachos and other goodies at the Roadkill Cafe.
Got a fun idea for decorating your car? (Even if you don't have a creative idea of your own, you can always get an idea from Google search). Dozens of cars are needed for this event, so please consider joining in the fun by decorating your car.
One of the big highlights of each year's Trunk or Treat is the huge box maze that is set up in the Fellowship Hall. Got an engineering mind? Or just like to be told how to put something together by someone who does have an engineering mind? It takes many hands to put the maze together.
Like to make the rounds at an event like this? Supervisors are needed at the Box Maze, the inflatable Jump House, and the Slide. And "Runners" are always needed to refill those car trunks with treats from time to time.
The parking lot needs to be ready for use the next morning, so a team of God’s best is needed to make sure everything is cleaned up and put away.
Candy is always needed to fill the containers in car trunks. Small novelty items are also a big hit with the kids. Beginning Tuesday, October 11th, a tub for your donations will be available in the lobbies of both the Sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall.
Don’t miss out on the fun and this opportunity to reach out to our community. Invite a few families to come join the fun. And most of all, commit this event to prayer that God will use it in a special way to bring kids and their families to Santa Clara First Baptist and ultimately to faith in Christ.
Be sure to sign up in the Sanctuary lobby by Tuesday, October 23th, to serve at this special outreach event!