May 2017
In April, we jumped back into our studies based on the E100 series. Matt led us through a study of Paul's conversion and ministry trips. Make sure you ask the youth about "Spaul"! We also took the Wednesday before Easter to review the last few hours of Jesus' life, and how even up until the last minute of His life, all He could think of was serving. Our youth served as part of the Easter breakfast crew and the Easter choir, and both were real treats!
We also played a special game of kickball one night, where everyone wore funny hats. Special rules were enforced where you had to keep your hat on while running the bases.
Nice Hats
Also in April, we had to say goodbye to Mark and Kirsten McGaffee, who faithfully served the youth for 3-1/2 years. It was sad to see them go, but we wish them nothing but the best in their new home.
We have also welcomed back an alumni and past mentor, Karena Bertos. We are so happy to have her back.
Welcome Back, Karena!
Youth Mentors: Karena, Max, Matt, Kim, Danijela, Mary, and Andrew
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