June 2018
Thank you for your many donations of books, CDs, and DVDs
We now have a wide-ranging assortment of books for giving away during "HOPE Silicon Valley" on Sunday, August 5th. Last year, books and other library materials were so well received that we are hoping to have an even greater selection to give away this year. We are still accepting donations of books, CDs and DVDs. If you have any that you can donate, please drop them off at the desk in the church lobby, or in the church office.
And, if you would like to help us give away the materials at "HOPE Silicon Valley," please email me at jerri@scfbc.org, or call Trudy at 408-241-7635. Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated!
New books in the lobby's "Book Nook"
During the first week of June, we will put new books in the church lobby's "Book Nook" area. The new books will have a "6" (for the 6th month of the year) on blue tape on the spine. There are biographies, books for teens, books for use in future life groups, devotionals, summer reading, and more. Stop by after the Sunday service, and take a look at June's collection of books, DVDs and CDs.
The SCFBC library is open Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Just come to the church office and we'll let you in. The library is also open every Sunday after the church service. If you come to the Sunday Grill, look for the two open doors—that's the library!
For more information, or to volunteer in the Library Ministry, please contact jerri@scfbc.org.
HOW TO SEARCH THE LIBRARY COLLECTION ON THE SCFBC WEBSITE: To find out if a book is in the SCFBC Library, go the church website at www.scfbc.org.
Next, go to RESOURCES (photo, below) and select Library.
Now, click on the “Search Here!” box (with the globe and magnifying glass).
In the "Sort" box (see photo, below), choose either "Title" or "Author." In the blank space to the left of "Sort," type the book's title or author's name. Then click on the blue box with the magnifying glass icon.
If the book is in the library, you'll see a page similar to the one in the photo below. Actually, the library has 38 items authored by Billy Graham! Next, come to the library, or the church office, to check out the special book you've been searching for!
If you have any questions about using the church website to search the library's collection, please contact jerri@scfbc.org.