June 2018
Dear Friends,
It is time again for the One Great Hour of Sharing special offering. By the grace of God, we are given the opportunity to share our gifts and resources with our brothers and sisters in need around the world. All of us have the power to give back to God from that which God has given us, and in doing so, create a more just world for all of God’s children.
Through our gifts, we participate in the many ministries that serve the hungry, the poor, the distressed, the refugee. The Hebrew Bible portrays this offering in the story of Ruth and Naomi, found in the "Book of Ruth." When faced with forced relocation, due to famine and political strife, Ruth said to Naomi, “Where you go I will go.” Solidarity stands at the heart of their story. Solidarity stands at the heart of the ministries of One Great Hour of Sharing. Solidarity stands at the heart of this offering. Like Ruth and Naomi, refugees today are confronted with dire situations in their homes, and are forced by the necessity of survival to leave behind their communities in order to seek safety and security.
Currently, the United Nations estimates over 60 million of our brothers and sisters across the world are refugees or displaced persons. The number is higher than it has been since World War II, and is expected to increase as violence continues in the Middle East and parts of Africa. Through One Great Hour of Sharing we embrace refugees around the world as our own. We say “Where you go, we will go.” This offering places us side-by-side with those in need. It offers us the opportunity to be Ruth for those in the world who are like Naomi.
By supporting One Great Hour of Sharing, we answer God’s call for us to bring wholeness to a fragmented world. The One Great Hour of Sharing offering reaches across the globe. Sometimes it provides solidarity to those who have experienced loss due to disasters in our own community and congregation, and at other times it says tangibly, “You are not forgotten” to our sisters and brothers on the other side of the world.
Through our gifts, we can help ensure that all of God’s children have what they need. Together, we accompany the refugee and stand in solidarity with the distressed, bringing about the world as God intended. Thank you for prayerfully considering your gift to this special offering.