June 2018
CELEBRATION SUNDAY: Abner Rosenweig, a "Goodreads" reviewer, says of Arnold Van Gennep's book, The Rites of Passage, that it is "an illuminating look at how humans move through life, marking our key turning points with events, or rituals. Van Gennep notes that these life rituals all share an underlying form, which consists of a tripartite process of separation, transition, and incorporation. He demonstrates this theory again and again through close analysis of hundreds of rituals across cultures geographically and temporally."
We see the celebration of a milestone when the 12-year-old Jesus was brought to the temple during the Festival of Passover, as every boy at that age was called to do according to the Jewish custom (Luke 2:41). This was the first time that Jesus debated with the religious leaders.
At Santa Clara First Baptist Church, we are going to see some precious ones TRANSITION from Preschool, Elementary, Middle School, and from High School to Adulthood. Growth is a good thing! We want to celebrate these milestones as a church, the Body of Christ. Come join everyone on June 10th at "Celebration Sunday," during the worship service, followed by the Sunday Grill.
Lifelong Discipleship: We have a week or two left until school summer break starts! But learning never stops at KID Zone. TeamKID Jumping the Hurdles: We will continue to use the Faithweaver curriculum for the first hour of Sunday school – 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. And this summer during the second hour – 11:00 to 11:50 a.m. – we are going to use TeamKID (Kids in Discipleship), which is a fun, high-energy curriculum! Each lesson will present a different life hurdle, ranging from controlling anger to being dependable. Fun activities, games, and lively teaching methods will help children learn about each hurdle, and how God will help them overcome it.