February 2019
Baptism and Membership – Congratulations and welcome to Myles Neimeyer, who was baptized Sunday, January 20. He also received the Right Hand of Fellowship's "Here to Serve" towel as he became a member of the church on the same day. The next baptism is scheduled for Sunday, February 24th. If you are considering baptism, please contact Pastor Valui at 408-241-7635, email him at valui@scfbc.org.
Introduction to SCFBC class – This class is the first step in becoming a member of the church. You'll learn more about the church, meet the Pastor, the Connection Team, and other people who are new to the church. The next Introduction to SCFBC class is scheduled for Sunday, February 24th, at 9:15 a.m. in the Pastor's office, Room 27.
Life Groups – Of course, connecting with people is also a step in connecting, so SCFBC has "trimesters" (i.e., three times a year) where a variety of small groups –SCFBC calls them "Life Groups" – are held so people can meet weekly, get to know one another, and get to see how God is working in their lives and in the lives of their friends. As you probably already know, the Spring Life Groups begin the week of February 3, and end the week of April 14-20th. There are classes in everything from Bible studies to crafts and sports!
There are also several on-going Life Groups/Bible study classes that meet year-round, and you can join any of them at any time. You can sign up for a Life Group or an ongoing Bible study class online at www.scfbc.org. Just click on the heading LIFE GROUP. Then, scroll down until you see the Life Group you are interested in joining, and click on SIGN UP. You can also call the office and sign up that way. Please sign up – and bring a friend. Life Groups are fun!