Executive Director
February 2020
From the Desk of Larry Rice, Executive Director of Redwood Glen
Recently, I was at a Christmas party talking with a friend of mine. He had never been to Redwood Glen, but he knew about our four-and-a-half-year battle regarding water issues. So he asked me how the water situation was going.
I remarked how well things have been going since we were able to start using our own new water system on January 22, 2019. And that we had made it through the dry months of this fall with plenty of water before the rains started. And that the treatment facility even tells us—automatically—if water is running when it is not supposed to be running. In one case it was a stuck toilet that needed to be tended to.
My friend then interrupted my story to say that he had gone to camp once as a kid, and how much he enjoyed it. "I went swimming, went on hikes, we did archery, and sang songs around the campfire. It was a lot of fun," he said. And then concluded: "You know, I don't remember much from my childhood...but I vividly remember that week at camp."
Listening to my friend reminisce about camp made me realize just how important a week at camp is for a child—for every child. And how that is true even moreso today than when my friend attended camp in the early 1960s.
Here at Redwood Glen, we want to make sure that every child and youth who want to attend camp have that opportunity. If you haven't given to Redwood Glen recently, would you please consider making a donation to ensure that anyone who wants to experience the joys of camp will have that opportunity!