Library Team
February 2020

February features.... The materials you'll find featured this month in the church lobby's "Book Nook" are from the "Christian Living" section of the SCFBC library. The "Christian Living" section is one of the largest collection of materials on the shelves. These materials focus on helping women, men – and especially parents – learn how to grow stronger in their faith, how to deal with grief, how to deal with health issues, and much more.

You can borrow materials for as long as you need them in order to read or listen to them. After a couple of months, we might ask you if you’re still reading, listening or watching what you’ve borrowed, but only as a reminder of what you have borrowed from the library. There are never any late fees. Please let us know if we can help you find library materials. All library materials are to help us learn – especially to help us understand more clearly about our life’s journey with God and with others. 

Yes, we are collecting!  Thank you for book donations for our annual H.O.P.E. book give away. Children's books and chapter books are our biggest need. 

How to do a computer search to find materials that are in the library: I hope you are using the church’s website at to find the books, CDs and DVDs in the library’s collection. Here’s how to search for materials on the website: First, click on the Library block. Next, on the screen that appears, click on the “Search Here” block. Then, if you know the title of the book or the author’s name, enter that title or name in the blue-rimmed box. Finally, click on the blue box to see if the item is available. 

LibraryWorld Search for iPhone: You can also use the "LibraryWorld Search for iPhone" app to search for items in the church library. If you need help finding this app, or need help learning how to use it, please contact me at  

Thank you for using the Library! Come see us there on most Wednesdays, too! When the church office is open, you can come to the library between 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Mondays through Fridays. Just stop by the office first so that someone can let you in the library. Also, we invite you to visit the library between 10:00 a.m. and noon on most Wednesdays when the Library Ministry Team is working.