Pastor Wung Valui
May 2022
Church Planting is VITAL to growing the Body of Christ. According to Tim Keller, “The continual planting of new congregations is the most crucial strategy for the growth of the Body of Christ.” 

Santa Clara First Baptist Church is the mother church of a new church plant for the people from Northeast India who are living and working in the Bay Area and Northern California.

The Great Commission And Church Planting
Church planting is also the best strategy to fulfill the Great Commission. Wherever Jesus is, there needs to be a church. It follows that where people are, there should be a church because Jesus is everywhere and He is the Head of the Church. The best practices and strategies to make Jesus present in the world are through the church and its people. Christ is embodied in the church and church planting is at the heart of the Great Commission. 

What Is Church Planting?
Church planting is when an existing church starts a new church to reach those who have not heard the Gospel. Church planting reaches villages, tribes, rural areas, and urban cities in all nations to make disciples of Jesus Christ. That is what Santa Clara First Baptist Church is doing, planting a new church. This venture is an exciting activity rooted in Jesus.

The Benefit Of Church Planting To The Mother Church And The New Church
Tim Keller puts it this way, "Church planting helps an existing church the best when the new congregation is voluntarily ‘birthed’ by an older ‘mother’ congregation. Often, the excitement and new leaders and new ministries and additional members and new income ‘washes back’ into the mother church in various ways and strengthens and renews it.

Grow And Reproduce
Santa Clara First Baptist Church should not only GROW but we must REPRODUCE. When we reproduce, we fulfill the directives and goals of the Great Commission, which is how disciples are made.

We helped start a Sunday School in a Delhi Slums before the COVID-19 virus began. Now the Sunday School has become a church that has brought many people to Jesus. We are partnering with our global partners to reproduce our community of faith, just as Jesus commanded us to do. And we can do more.