




Fresh Wind and Fresh Fire at SCFBC

Pastor Wung Valui
May 2022
This young kid played bass one month after his baptism during the worship service, Incredible! 
When God moves, people's lives are changed. In His presence, people do not stay the same. You can see that when God moves people who are eager to have more of Him. You can sense both their great need to connect with God in their prayers and their new passion for God as they worship.

This man said. "I came to church just to support my friend. There was no expectation and I did not expect anything from myself. Something happened to me every time I came to church. I was changing, I couldn't help it."

He was baptized on Easter Sunday and it brought tears to his eyes.

When God moves, His love can melt every heart.

This man had experienced loss and suffered much pain this year. God met him in his sorrow and pain. God moved his heart and he experienced God's love in the midst of losing a mother and family members.

He was baptized on Easter Sunday and his big family witnessed his immense joy.

When God moves, He sends fresh wind and fresh fire.

Our vision is that "Santa Clara First Baptist Church will be 'A church of all nations, leading people to have a closer, loving relationship with God.'”

It is happening! We welcome new members from India, Japan, Thailand, and our home country U.S.A.

Let the fresh wind blow and the fresh fire fall on us.

"And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting." Acts 2:2