Family Life Team
Family Life and Discipleship Pastor
May 2022

Want to join our amazing Family Life Team?

Seen in the picture: Pastor Margareth (Family Life and Discipleship Pastor), Evelyn (Elementary Director) Megan (Toddlers), Kimberly (Preschool Leader), and Bill (1st-Hour Sunday School Leader).

"Then He (Jesus) said to His disciples, 'The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.'" (Matthew 9:37) 

KIDZone is going strong. Most of our SCFBC kids are back on campus, as well as kids who are joining us for the first time. Would you consider accepting the privilege of ministering to the children who God is sending to us at KIDZone? You would have the opportunity to present Jesus' love to the future generation, and on Sunday also be able to show them what a warm smile and open heart can do. Jesus said, "Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me." (Luke 9:48) When we welcome children to our church – by teaching them, spending time with them, and loving them – we welcome Jesus into our midst. Jesus also said, "Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:4) When we work with the children and let them touch our lives, they reveal to us the presence of God's kingdom. Please consider joining us as we work to bring the future generation to an understanding of Jesus and His great love for them! You will find your cup filled and running over with blessings!

If you would like to help our KIDZ ministry, you can email or let any of our Family Life Team know that you are interested. All of our volunteers serve just once or twice a month because we want our volunteers to always enjoy and look forward to serving. You can serve as a lead teacher, a teacher assistant, or a classroom helper. You can also help one-on-one during small groups, as you see young Naomi and Annie, a parent, doing in the photos below. You can also help in preparing crafts, snacks, and setting up our game zone before the kids arrive. Or you can be a lobby host during check-in and check-out. There is always something important to do for everyone who loves kids and wants to serve God as the kids grow in understanding the importance of having Jesus in their lives. 

"Let the little children come to me." (Matthew 19:14) It was great to see our KIDZ on stage leading the Hosanna song during our Palm Sunday worship service. Great News! The kids will be back on stage during our Mothers' Day service! We are busy getting ready to sing and perform in sign language for our mothers. Be sure to see the kids bring joy and happiness to all of us on Sunday the 8th of May, starting at 10:30 A.M. in the sanctuary.