Family Life Team
October 2023

We joyfully ushered in the fall season with celebrations and the sharing of wonderful news. A heartfelt thank you goes out to Kara and her family for generously sharing their birthday cake and a meal with our beloved KIDZone family. We loved it!

Mission Moment: In our recent Mission Moment, our KIDZ had the privilege of connecting with the Juanes family, who serve as ABC-USA International Missionaries in Thailand. The KIDZ had plenty of questions, and the Juanes family eloquently shared their mission in a way that resonated with the young ones.
Fun fact: Did you know that Thai people use "555" as a digital expression of laughter in their text messages? When you put "555" together, it translates to "ha-ha-ha," which is equivalent to 'lol' in the Western world.

October Lessons: We started a new calendar year with a creation story. Throughout this month, we'll continue to draw inspiration from the profound stories in the book of Genesis: 
  • October 1: "Noah Builds the Ark" - Genesis 6
  • October 8: "God Floods the Earth" - Genesis 7
  • October 15: "People Build a Tower at Babel" - Genesis 11
  • October 22: "Abram Follows God's Direction" - Genesis 12
  • October 29: "Lot and Abram Divide the Land" - Genesis 13

Stay tuned as we explore these captivating narratives together!