




Who's Your One

Jesus pursued individuals who were lost and outside of Israel, highlighting His heart for inclusivity and salvation for all nations.

Throughout His ministry, Jesus consistently sought out the "one"—outsiders, marginalized, or beyond Israel's boundaries. His actions revealed God’s heart to reach all people, breaking cultural and religious barriers. This series explores how Jesus pursued one lost soul at a time, showing that His message of salvation was for all nations, not just Israel.

Who is the "one" in your life, and how can you follow Jesus' example in reaching out to them with love and compassion?

House of Prayer for all Nations

September 8, 2024 - Pastor Wungreiso Valui


  1. Jesus demonstrates that God's heart is for all nations, not just Israel, as emphasized in Mark 11:17, where He declares that His house will be a place of prayer for all people.
  2. In the parable of the lost sheep, the shepherd (symbolizing Jesus) leaves the ninety-nine sheep to find the one that is lost, illustrating that God values every soul and desires none to be left out.
  3. The parable reflects Jesus' mission to bring all people—regardless of nation or background—into His fold, fulfilling the vision of God's house being open to all.
  4. Just as Jesus cleansed the temple to restore it as a place of worship for all nations, He seeks to restore individuals, reaching beyond ethnic and religious barriers to save the lost.

Question: How can we make our homes, churches, and hearts "houses of prayer for all nations," ensuring that we reflect God's love for every person, including those who feel excluded?

Application: This week, take time to pray for someone from a different background, culture, or belief system. Reflect on how you can make space in your life to be welcoming and inclusive, just as Jesus made His house a place of prayer for all nations.

This connection between Mark 11:17 and the parable emphasizes the inclusive nature of God's love and His mission to welcome all into His presence.

Jesus Chose The Canaanite Woman

September 15, 2024 - Pastor Wungreiso Valui


  1. Jesus extends His healing power to the Canaanite woman, a Gentile, showing His compassion for those outside the Jewish community.
  2. The Canaanite woman's persistence in seeking Jesus despite cultural barriers demonstrates how faith can transcend obstacles.
  3. Jesus' response to her persistent faith illustrates how faith moves the heart of God, regardless of one's background.

Question: How can we be more like Jesus, intentionally reaching out to those who are often overlooked or marginalized in our communities?

Application: This week, take a step toward someone who is often excluded or ignored. Whether through a kind word, a conversation, or an act of service, reflect Jesus' intentional love by making space for those who are marginalized.

Jesus Went After the Demon-Possessed Man

September 22, 2024 - Pastor Wungreiso Valui

Focus: Jesus traveled to the region of the Gerasenes, a Gentile area, to heal a man possessed by a legion of demons. This man, an outcast living among the tombs, was completely abandoned by society. Yet, Jesus deliberately sought him out, demonstrating that no one is beyond the reach of God's love and power. After delivering him, Jesus sent him back to his community to share the story of his deliverance, making him a living testimony of God's mercy and grace.

Question: Are there areas in your life or in the lives of others where you feel beyond hope or help? How can you trust Jesus to bring healing and restoration, even to the most broken and hopeless situations?

Application: This week, reflect on an area in your life where you feel trapped, isolated, or hopeless. Surrender it to Jesus, trusting in His power to bring deliverance and healing. Additionally, consider someone in your life who feels outcast or marginalized. Reach out to them with encouragement, reflecting the same compassion that Jesus showed to the demon-possessed man.

Jesus Reaches Out To The Samaritan Woman

September 29, 2024 - Pastor Margareth Valui


  1. Jesus reaches out to the Samaritan woman, breaking cultural, religious, and gender barriers to offer her "living water."
  2. This encounter shows that Jesus' mission goes beyond societal boundaries to reach those who feel marginalized or excluded.
  3. The offer of living water is available to all, regardless of past mistakes or cultural divides, symbolizing the eternal life Jesus offers to anyone who believes.

Question: What cultural, social, or personal barriers keep you from fully accepting the living water Jesus offers?

Application: Identify one relationship or group where you feel a barrier. This week, break down that wall through a kind gesture, meaningful conversation, or invitation, offering the love and acceptance Jesus has shown you.